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PNAU/Brainflowers - You're Not Alone


Brain flowers - You're Not Alone Music Video

Artist: Brainflowers
Production Company: Lucid Cinema
Actor: Alison Stanton-cook
Supporting Actors: Kinny Langford, Dylan Wells
Director: Gabriel Morrison
DOP: Tom Chapman
DOP (Sydney) Nicholas Jansz
Animation: Finn Rees @piewack_
1st Assistant Camera: Max Crosswell
Costume: Sabine Bester
Electrics: Evan Dixon, Marcus Knott
Art designer: Michael Hili
Colourist: Nicholas Andrews
Makeup: Ruby Humblestone, Jenna Hawley
Funded by Lab78 records and Create NSW.
Special thanks to Will Bignall @thorpfarm Declan Anning and James Fox